There’s something truly special about the natural world. Especially in the picturesque landscapes of North Carolina and Georgia. We wanted to discover deep connections that people have with their natural […]

There’s something truly special about the natural world. Especially in the picturesque landscapes of North Carolina and Georgia. We wanted to discover deep connections that people have with their natural […]
Over and over again, destructive polluting industries sweep into rural communities and make sweetheart deals with a few “leading citizens” who help them push tax breaks, subsidies, and rezoning through […]
We are writing to urge the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC) to deny any expansion of the wood pellet industry in South Carolina and to […]
I am writing to urge this Administration to deny any expansion of the wood pellet industry in North Carolina and to immediately address the environmental justice implications of this proposed […]
Dogwood Alliance believes in a world with beautiful, standing forests, clean air and water, and thriving communities. That’s why we’re working so hard to stop the expansion of Enviva, the […]