Forest Friday with Luke Cannon

I met Luke Cannon near Bent Creek for our Forest Friday hike. Luke has over 20 years experience as a naturalist, teacher, and student and is the founder of Astounding […]

Swamps Get a Bad Rap

We’re tired of hearing folks in DC say, “Drain the swamps,” because swamps are actually really, really valuable. Our Southern wetland forests are worth $500 BILLION. While you can’t put […]

A Big Step for Wetland Forests

On World Wetlands Day 2017, Dogwood Alliance stepped forward to enrich the wetland conservation movement. On this date, Dogwood Alliance launched the Wetland Forest Initiative (WFI). WFI is a broad […]

What are Southern wetland forests worth?

You can’t put a price tag on clean air and water, protection from storms and flooding, or the way you feel when you’re in a wetland forest. But we knew […]

The Future of Our Forests: An Interview with Jim Furnish

Recently, Dogwood Alliance, Defenders of Wildlife and MountainTrue hosted an event at The Collider in Asheville on the future of our forests. We were so lucky to have Jim Furnish join us for that event. Jim Furnish is the author of Beyond Logging: Toward a Natural Forest a memoir of Jim’s time working for the National Forest Service and time spent as Deputy Chief.