KFC’s Packaging Policy Increases Protection for Southern Forests

Exciting news! In late October, KFC released a new sustainable packaging policy that we can get behind. We’ve been studying the implications of the policy and talking with the company’s biggest suppliers to ensure that there’s real change on the ground for our forests. After much analysis, we are now confident that it will.

Help Us Raise $15,000 to Celebrate 15 Years

This fall marks Dogwood Alliance’s 15th Anniversary. We’ve celebrated with parties and special projects, but none so important as our year-end campaign to help jump start the next 15 years for even bigger success. We’re kicking off our next decade-and-a-half with a special effort to raise an additional $15,000 by the end of the year.

15th Anniversary Slideshow

Some of the best moments of Dogwood’s 15 years of forest protection are highlighted in this four minute slideshow.

Dogwood Alliance 15th Anniversary Celebration

Come for the Birthday…Stay for the Party!
Dogwood Alliance is Celebrating 15 Years and it just wouldn’t be the same without you. Bring the family and join us for a special afternoon & evening. November 5th at Highland Brewing Company.

Dogwood Alliance

Celebrate the Sustainability Revolution

Join Dogwood Alliance and The Abundance Foundation at Piedmont Biofuels to celebrate the sustainability revolution on Friday, October 21st! RSVP to the VIP cocktail reception or join us later for a pizza party!

Dogwood Alliance