FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 18, 2018 1 pm EDT Study Found that All Wood Pellet Facilities in North and South Carolina Have Been Built in Environmental Justice Designated Communities Asheville, NC […]

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 18, 2018 1 pm EDT Study Found that All Wood Pellet Facilities in North and South Carolina Have Been Built in Environmental Justice Designated Communities Asheville, NC […]
Responding to public pressure and signaling progress in a years-long environmental campaign, the European Commission (EC) today took a step toward curtailing the dangerous, continent-wide expansion of burning trees to generate electricity by proposing to remove misguided subsidies for large-scale biomass from its renewable energy policies.
Don’t let companies like Enviva fool you; the “green” fuel that they’re marketing is driving climate change.
During our last spring semester, six fellow students and I worked together on a UNC Capstone course project with Dr. Andrew George, focused on bioenergy in the Carolinas. Though we were all students of the same program, we had varying sub-interests within the bioenergy umbrella.
In April 2016 the US Green Building Council (USGBC) announced a new pilot credit that rewards the use of wood certified under the timber industry-backed Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI).