Enviva’s solution to our climate crisis involves cutting down mature hardwood forests in the Southern US, turning them into pellets, placing them on huge ships, and sending them across the Atlantic to Europe to be burned for industrial electricity.

Burning forests for fuel releases more heat-trapping carbon dioxide for every megawatt of electricity produced than coal.
Don’t let companies like Enviva fool you– the ‘green’ fuel that they are marketing is driving climate change.
Scientists have recognized this, Southerners have recognized this, over 100 international organizations have recognized this, and governments are recognizing this increasingly.
Time for the madness to STOP! Say no to Drax, Enviva, and industrial biomass!
To download a high-resolution, print ready version of the cartoon for use, go here.
The editorial cartoon was commissioned by the Dogwood Alliance and created by David Cohen has been the editorial cartoonist for the Asheville (NC) Citizen Times since 2006, and has been involved with many other publications over the years. His Facebook cartoon page is www.facebook.com/Cohencidents.