Swamps Get a Bad Rap

We’re tired of hearing folks in DC say, “Drain the swamps,” because swamps are actually really, really valuable. Our Southern wetland forests are worth $500 BILLION. While you can’t put […]

Standing for Justice First

Why I’m Going on Tour with Reverend Leo Woodberry Every once in a while you meet someone who has a profound influence on your life — a person who helps […]

Media Release – The Great American Stand: US Forests and the Climate Emergency

Internationally renowned climate scientist, Dr. Bill Moomaw teamed up with our Executive Director to produce a new report that defines key climate solutions connected to forest protection and documents how logging across the US, the world’s largest wood producing and consuming country, is threatening the climate and exacerbating the impacts of natural disasters…

My Community Had a Voice Today

Having a voice and telling my story are important steps in finding an acceptable resolution to the issue of industrial logging in my community. I experienced “that step” in participating in the meeting with a Dutch delegation in Richmond, Virginia early this November. On several occasions now, I have told my story regarding the impacts on my community due to Enviva’s industrial logging in Northampton County, NC and Southampton County, VA.