What Keeps Us Awake

Sleepy activism doesn’t work. We really have to be awake around here, and I don’t mind making the coffee, as everyone knows. Last week I almost embarrassed myself by asking for the autograph of a guy who owns a coffee company. Almost. That guy is Larry Larson, owner of Larry’s Coffee, based in Raleigh, North Carolina. Why would I want his autograph? Pour yourself a cup of joe and I’ll tell you.

Black Lives Matter

These last few weeks have been riddled with multiple new incidents of police shootings of black men, a horrific reminder, once again, of the need for us to stand up, speak out and unquestionably assert that Black Lives Matter. Even here in our own hometown of Asheville, NC, we pour our hearts out to the Williams family who lost Jerry last weekend.

Guest Blog: Biomass and Environmental Justice Capstone

During our last spring semester, six fellow students and I worked together on a UNC Capstone course project with Dr. Andrew George, focused on bioenergy in the Carolinas. Though we were all students of the same program, we had varying sub-interests within the bioenergy umbrella.