Dogwood Alliance has transformed the paper industry around the world. Our demands are always simple: protect endangered forests stop turning natural forests into tree plantations end destructive practices like clearcutting […]

Dogwood Alliance has transformed the paper industry around the world. Our demands are always simple: protect endangered forests stop turning natural forests into tree plantations end destructive practices like clearcutting […]
Guest post by Amber Skinner Have you ever wondered where the term “tar heel”, a common nickname for North Carolinians, came from? For centuries North Carolina residents collected tar from […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 10, 2019 9 am EDT Contact: Scot Quaranda, [email protected], 828-242-3596 Logging is North Carolina’s Third Largest Carbon Emitter New report outlines the impact that industrial logging […]
Co-authored with Dr. Dominick DellaSala What makes a forest a forest? This simple question becomes much more complicated, depending on who you ask. Thankfully, Dr. Dominick DellaSala, President and Chief […]
As part of “GE Trees Fall,” activists from across the United States are converging on two key regions involved in the genetic engineering of trees this fall, the US Southeast and the Pacific Northwest. On September 24th, activists are gathering near Asheville, NC for a Genetically Engineered Trees (GE trees) Action Training Camp, organized by Global Justice Ecology Project, and including the participation of Indigenous Environmental Network and Dogwood Alliance