Stories Happen in Forests: Ruddy

There are many ways we enjoy the forests, whether it’s camping, trail running, fishing, or hiking. There are also many different ways we can protect Southern forests and stand in solidarity with the people most affected by deforestation and climate change.

We met up with Ruddy of Global Justice Ecology Project in Hypoluxo Scrub, a Florida forest, and she told us about the unique and inspiring way she protects forests.

Watch and share the video!

We need your help so that forests can remain places of beauty, wonder, and community. So that people like Ruddy can climb trees for the sheer joy of it and don’t have to put their bodies on the line to protect the places we all love and need.

As a Forest Defender, you become a monthly sustainer and the backbone of the forest protection movement. You’ll also get exclusive opportunities, invitations, and gifts!

Will you speak for the trees? Join Forest Defenders today!

Stories Happen in Forests is not meant as an endorsement for any organization, business or group, nor is it a representation of Dogwood Alliance programmatic work.

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