Dogwood Alliance
Our Forests. Our Strength.
Protect North Carolina’s Forests and Communities
Wood pellet production clearcuts nearly 70k acres of NC’s forests every year. Governor Roy Cooper passed several executive orders on climate change and environmental justice. Yet his administration keeps greenlighting permits for the expansion of the wood pellet industry. An industry that pollutes in plain sight. The state has granted $9M in subsidies to wood pellets. They should use that money to invest in community health and climate resiliency.
We don’t have time or resources to lose on false solutions.
The Impacted Communities Against Wood Pellets Coalition has sent thousands of “Postcards from Polluted Places” to Cooper. Together, we’re asking him to stop the expansion. Stop the subsidies. Stop sacrificing community health and our climate.
Send Gov. Cooper a postcard-sized message asking him to protect North Carolina’s forests and communities today.
It could have a huge impact.
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