Happy World Wetlands Day

Today, February 2nd is World Wetlands Day. At Dogwood Alliance, we’re taking today to specially recognize the beauty and value of our wetland forests. On this day in particular, we want to share the wonder of wetlands with all our friends and partners. Though many consider wetlands to be uninhabitable swamps, in truth, they are the beating heart of many vital ecosystems. They are biodiverse havens for countless species of animals and plants. They filter our water and air. They protect us from floods. They are homes to many Southern communities.

Forest Friend: Neill Yelverton

Neil got involved with Krull and Company LogoKrull & Company because he believed in helping people invest with their values. Krull & Company educates people about what is in their portfolios and helps them invest in companies that align with their values. Neill and his partners at Krull & Company strive to invest fossil-fuel-free and to work with companies to push the paradigm in that direction.

Soccer, Mapping and Dogwood Alliance

As a 24-year old professional degree candidate, I suppose it’s pretty unusual that I am actually doing my first ever internship. Being excited and somewhat nervous, I brought my suits and high-heels with me. Well, it turned out that I worried too much. The city is so Bohemian, which means literally everyone is more casual than you might be; and luckily Dogwood Alliance cares more about your performance than your appearance.

Raising Awareness at Dogwood Alliance

My internship developing a business plan for the selling of carbon credits in the virtual carbon market was such a novel thing for me. I was totally obsessed with the idea during my interview for the internship with Andrew Goldberg, Dogwood Alliance’s Director of Corporate Engagement. To explore a completely new field and really contribute my own effort to the project was a dream for me, and what I got as an intern in Dogwood Alliance is far greater than that.

Working at Dogwood Alliance: The Business Perspective

Housed in an old, beautiful, antique brick building on Biltmore Avenue in Asheville, North Carolina is Dogwood Alliance,which plays a life-changing role in the ecosystem of southeastern US forests. Not many are aware of the kind of work Dogwood is doing to conserve the most biodiverse region in North America.I didn’t have the faintest idea that a mission driven non-profit would be doing something cutting edge and pioneering in the conservation arena and making the world a better place.