North Carolina activist, RiverDave, created a poem about wood pellets. We found the poem really inspiring and wanted to feature it on our blog!
How to Fix Climate Change in 4 Easy Steps
Don’t let companies like Enviva fool you; the “green” fuel that they’re marketing is driving climate change.
Sustainability Magic, Carbon Confusion, and Bigger is Definitely Not Better
This is not your grandparents’ wood stove we’re talking about; this is operating an enormous power plant using enough wood to power an entire country.
Southern Forests: Our Treasured Legacy to Protect
As the days get hotter, the number of Southerners standing up to protect and fight for forests increases steadily: it’s almost as if unrest is in direct proportion to the degrees on a thermometer. Summertime in the South conjures up images of being sleepy and slow-moving; and yet, the opposition to burning forests for fuel is livelier than ever.
Guest Blog: Biomass and Environmental Justice Capstone
During our last spring semester, six fellow students and I worked together on a UNC Capstone course project with Dr. Andrew George, focused on bioenergy in the Carolinas. Though we were all students of the same program, we had varying sub-interests within the bioenergy umbrella.