A Big Thank You To Terrapin Beer

We were lucky enough to hang out in the cool town of Athens, GA with other like-minded folks who were eager to learn more about how they can protect the forests in their backyard. This year, even more so, because three new wood pellet mills are proposed in and around the Athens area, which would clearcut Georgia forests, turn them into pellets, and either ship them to Europe to be burned for electricity OR burn them right here in the South.

Green Charades

North Carolina activist, RiverDave, created a poem about wood pellets. We found the poem really inspiring and wanted to feature it on our blog!

Southern Forests: Our Treasured Legacy to Protect

As the days get hotter, the number of Southerners standing up to protect and fight for forests increases steadily: it’s almost as if unrest is in direct proportion to the degrees on a thermometer. Summertime in the South conjures up images of being sleepy and slow-moving; and yet, the opposition to burning forests for fuel is livelier than ever.

Flashmob at Wood Pellet Biomass Conference