Dogwood Alliance Welcomes New Campaign Organizer, Rita Frost

Dogwood Alliance is pleased to announce Rita Frost as our new Campaign Organizer! Rita believes in getting our country to a place where we respect all natural areas, like we respect national parks and that working with forest conservation is one of the frontline fights that we can do to face not only the problems of climate change, but also to get wilderness back into the ethos of American citizens.

Organize Your Community to Oppose Dirty Biomass

The dirty biomass industry is not the future for our Southern communities or forests. We need long-term solutions that value the health and prosperity of people and the environment. And it is our right to demand this from policymakers and industry leaders. With organizing and action, we can pave the way for a future that puts the needs of the people before corporate profit, and values our forests for the myriad of life-supporting services they provide just by standing. Our Southern communities and forests are not resources that can be taken advantage of for the personal gain of greedy industries. They are vital components of a vibrant global community and ecosystem, and we must take action to make sure they continue to be so.

Dogwood’s Asheville Outreach Intern

I found it very rewarding to work with so many dedicated environmentalists this summer. I was able to learn more about how non-profits function as well as be an instrumental part in Dogwood’s local outreach. Through establishing a volunteer base here in Asheville, Dogwood will be able to more effectively advocate for our forests here in the South.

Pillage and Plunder in the Deep South Part 2

This is Part 2 of a 2 part series exploring the impact that the wood pellet industry is having on the rural communities of the Gulf coast. Part 1 looked at the wood pellet industry in Mississippi and the destructive impact it has on the forests and the rural local economy…

Enviva Green Circle in Cottondale, FL

Pillage and Plunder in the Deep South Part 1

This is Part 1 of a 2 part series exploring the impact that the wood pellet industry is having on the rural communities of the Gulf coast. Part 2 will look at the wood pellet industry in the Florida panhandle and more deeply explore the economics of the industry…