Emily was looking to work for an organization with a proven track record of strategic successes against corporations that cause the most environmental damages, and Dogwood was the natural choice. Emily was excited to apply, and now work for, a place so dedicated to environmental and corporate responsibility. Now she is Dogwood’s Campaign Organizer for the Our Forests Aren’t Fuel campaign.
Dogwood Alliance Staff Member Chosen for Prestigious Conservation Fellowship
Dogwood Alliance staff member Andrew Goldberg has been selected as a 2014 Kinship Conservation Fellow, one of only 16 environmentalists chosen from around the world. As a Kinship Fellow, From June 29 to July 30, the 2014 cohort of Fellows will take part in an exceptional learning community that prepares them to successfully implement innovative strategies in the field.
Ending the Rush to Burn
Burning the forests that are supposed to be our best defense against climate change to protect us against climate change has to be one of the most ridiculous ideas I’ve ever heard. Yet over the last few years, Europe has wholeheartedly embraced this false solution to climate change, and we’ve seen a dramatic increase in logging in the Southern US to fuel European demand. Along the way, the US South has become the largest wood pellet export region in the world.
New Company “EcoGen” Threatens Southern Forests and Climate
Progress Energy and Florida Power Embrace EcoGen’s Plans to Generate Electricity from Non-native Eucalyptus Plantations in the Southern US
Help Us Raise $15,000 to Celebrate 15 Years
This fall marks Dogwood Alliance’s 15th Anniversary. We’ve celebrated with parties and special projects, but none so important as our year-end campaign to help jump start the next 15 years for even bigger success. We’re kicking off our next decade-and-a-half with a special effort to raise an additional $15,000 by the end of the year.