As most of you know at this point, our forests are being destroyed to make wood pellets that are shipped to Europe where they are burned for electricity. The Europeans […]

As most of you know at this point, our forests are being destroyed to make wood pellets that are shipped to Europe where they are burned for electricity. The Europeans […]
This is a guest blog by Dr. Louise Vet and Dr. Martijn Katan, originally posted in Dutch paper, Trouw, on October 9, 2020. Professor Vet prepares to provide expert testimony […]
On this week’s podcast, we welcome Indy Srinath. Indy is an avid homesteader, forager, educator, herbalist, and food justice activist. She is currently working in LA managing an urban farm […]
At Dogwood Alliance we believe in thriving communities and healthy forests. We also believe that prioritizing the health and well-being of both is our only chance for surviving the most […]
Over and over again, destructive polluting industries sweep into rural communities and make sweetheart deals with a few “leading citizens” who help them push tax breaks, subsidies, and rezoning through […]