In April 2016 the US Green Building Council (USGBC) announced a new pilot credit that rewards the use of wood certified under the timber industry-backed Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI).

In April 2016 the US Green Building Council (USGBC) announced a new pilot credit that rewards the use of wood certified under the timber industry-backed Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI).
Woodland wildflower populations, and the forest communities in which they occur, are two major components of the southeast which attract countless visitors and bind long-time residents to this region. These natural systems are closely connected and offer sustenance for a variety of wildlife species associated with them.
The European Union finally recognises that burning trees from US forests is not carbon-neutral, but how will they amend European renewables policy in response?
Thousands of Comments Submitted Calling for an End to Burning Forests for Fuel as European Commissioners Prepare Final Policy for Full Review.
We must build a lasting legacy for our children. Together we will push back the industries that threaten our forests, and over the coming decades, we will secure the protection of millions of acres across the South, protection that values the clean air and water, climate stabilization, flood control and wildlife that standing, living forests provide.