Be Like the Netherlands: Country Hits the Brakes on Biomass

On World Wetlands Day, February 2nd, the Dutch government voted in favor of forest protection over forest destruction and overwhelmingly adopted a resolution to halt dirty biomass subsidies for burning forests in coal-fired power plants. This is great news for our Southern forests and a strong signal that we are winning!

World Wetlands Day: US Wetland Forests are a National Conservation Priority

As we celebrate World Wetlands Day, it is appropriate to acknowledge the critical role that our wetland forests here at home play in the fight against climate change. In light of recent increased periods of drought, impending threats of sea level rise and the increasing frequency and intensity of storms, keeping wetland forests standing strong along our coasts is one of the smartest investments we can make over the coming decades to keep our coastal communities safe from the impacts of a changing climate.

Could EU Biomass Investigation Signal Relief for Southern Forests?

The European Union (EU) Commission recently announced an investigation into the state aid provided for the world’s largest forest destroyer for electricity, Drax. The taxpayer dollars that the UK is providing Drax to convert to burning Southern US forests for electricity is another example of why this destructive industry is moving us backwards away from a healthy, truly sustainable future.

Leading the Charge to Keep Biomass Out of the Clean Power Plan

Unfortunately, climate deniers and special interests are fighting tooth and nail to destroy or water down this plan. Despite the fact that our forests are our best defense against climate change and the scientific community widely views burning forests for electricity as the wrong direction, the Environmental Protection Agency is considering including biomass electricity as a potential pathway for meeting the goals of the plan.

People Power Protects Forests

The forests of the world play a critical role in each breath we take, Each cup of water we drink, our history and our future. So why is our Clean Power Plan issuing a free pass to clearcut and burn American forests?