Written in collaboration with Okefenokee Protection Alliance The Okefenokee Swamp is the largest blackwater wetlands in North America and one of the world’s largest intact freshwater ecosystems. Located in the […]

Written in collaboration with Okefenokee Protection Alliance The Okefenokee Swamp is the largest blackwater wetlands in North America and one of the world’s largest intact freshwater ecosystems. Located in the […]
Remember me? I’m, Lucia, The Wetland Wanderer, and I’m back! I’m excited to share with you Episode 3 of the Wetland Wanderer where I visit Congaree National Park in the […]
I’m Lucia Ibarra, the Wetland Wanderer! I’ve been traveling all across the South visiting wetland forests. By visiting, exploring, and understanding the many values of wetlands, I hope to shine […]
How can you help kids learn more about wetlands in a fun and exciting way?
If anyone reading this has been fortunate enough to experience the wonder of a mature bottomland hardwood swamp, then place yourself in a category with few other people. Bottomland hardwoods in the Southern United States have been reduced to a small portion of what they once were for reasons anywhere from disease prevention to pine plantation development.