-For immediate release- Asheville, NC, September 1st, 2020 – Today, environmental campaigners from the USA and Estonia delivered a letter to Minister Jørgensen [1], warning that the new Danish Climate […]

-For immediate release- Asheville, NC, September 1st, 2020 – Today, environmental campaigners from the USA and Estonia delivered a letter to Minister Jørgensen [1], warning that the new Danish Climate […]
Enviva depends on overseas sales for its product: wood pellets. However, the Dutch government is on the precipice of writing biomass out of its energy future. The Netherlands are concerned […]
In Episode 4, we interviewed Dogwood’s own Marketing Director, Amanda Rodriguez. Amanda is a published author and the director of the award-winning documentary Stories Happen in Forests. Join us as […]
For 6 consecutive weeks in July and August our Stand4Forests Georgia team produced The Georgia Enviro Show, a first of its kind online series featuring news about the key environmental, […]
Guest post written by Ha Do, a Dogwood Alliance intern. When I was a schoolgirl in Vietnam, wetland forests for me were a negligible part of my adventures to national […]