Richmond County Residents Oppose Enviva Mill and Rally for Health and Environmental Justice

On March 25th, Dogwood Alliance joined the Concerned Citizens of Richmond County for a Rally for Health and Environmental Justice. Local residents fear that the proposed Enviva wood pellet facility will bring harmful dust pollution, constant noise, dangerous truck traffic, and forest degradation. The community rallied to affirm and stand for their rights to clean air, clean water, standing forests, and strong and healthy communities.

#Resist: Trump Can’t Fool the Atmosphere and Won’t Stop Climate Progress

On March 28, 2017, President Trump, with the stroke of his executive pen, attempted to roll back U.S. progress towards addressing climate change. Under attack is President Obama’s historic Clean Power Plan which set about to regulate carbon emissions from power plants as well as other important steps taken by the Obama administration to address climate change.

Media Release – The Great American Stand: US Forests and the Climate Emergency

Internationally renowned climate scientist, Dr. Bill Moomaw teamed up with our Executive Director to produce a new report that defines key climate solutions connected to forest protection and documents how logging across the US, the world’s largest wood producing and consuming country, is threatening the climate and exacerbating the impacts of natural disasters…

Forest Friday: The Inspiring Nicole

Nicole is one of the hardest working people I have ever met. She works a full-time position at Dogwood Alliance and then volunteers an additional 30 hours in her “free” time. Nicole is on the 100 Days Coalition and also belongs to the NC Black Lives Matter cohort. She is also on the board of Green Opportunities and Bountiful Cities and a part of Kresge Freshlo. This points to the fact that all of Nicole’s work is about enriching her community by meeting people where they’re at to help them achieve their highest goals.