On October 13, local elected officials spanning political parties and several Southeastern states sent a letter to European leaders asking them to promptly reform bioenergy policies that incentivize the destruction and logging of forests. In accordance with the UN-recognized International Day of Natural Disaster Reduction, local elected officials from Virginia to Florida took a stand for forests…
Citizens of Butler Hollow Are the Bolala
In southern Missouri’s Ozark Mountains, the spirit of the forest defending Bolala is alive and well in community members who helped protect part of the Mark Twain National Forest.
Love the Coffee. Don’t Love the Deforestation.
Our trees aren’t trash. On National Coffee Day, Dogwood Alliance joins with our partners at Environmental Paper Network to take action to raise awareness that using throwaway cups causes harm to people, forests, water and the climate.
A Big Thank You To Terrapin Beer
We were lucky enough to hang out in the cool town of Athens, GA with other like-minded folks who were eager to learn more about how they can protect the forests in their backyard. This year, even more so, because three new wood pellet mills are proposed in and around the Athens area, which would clearcut Georgia forests, turn them into pellets, and either ship them to Europe to be burned for electricity OR burn them right here in the South.
Wake Up EU!
Here at Dogwood Alliance we proudly stand with the organizations and communities across the globe who work relentlessly to deliver the increasingly important message: Plantations Are NOT Forests.