The Fierce Urgency of Now

Written by Dr. Rev. Gerald Durley, Rev. Michael Malcom, and Rev. Kate Mosley In the first chapter of the book of Haggai the prophet says that God asks, “Is it […]

Let’s redefine “Business as Usual”

You, like me, probably keep asking yourself,  “When will things return to normal?” Sitting within my home office– which means rotating between working in my bed, on the floor of […]

Biodiversity in Your Backyard: Butterflies

One of my favorite things about spring is the return of the butterflies. Some trees are starting to leaf and flower. You might see a few grasshoppers or small beetles, […]

Forests Can Heal People and the Planet

On this International Day of Forests, Let’s Embrace Deep Rooted Change It’s the International Day of Forests, a day each year that has been set aside to celebrate the role […]

Beautiful forest with sunlight streaming through the trees