I’m Lucia, The Wetland Wanderer

I’m Lucia Ibarra, the Wetland Wanderer! I’ve been traveling all across the South visiting wetland forests. By visiting, exploring, and understanding the many values of wetlands, I hope to shine […]

More Greenwashing from Drax

Carbon Capture and Storage Pilot Program is a Pricey and Risky Gamble the Planet Can’t Afford On February 7, 2019, Drax Power Station in the UK announced it captured its […]

Sipping Wisdom: Celebrating Elderberry Wise Cider

Elderberry Wise, Urban Orchard’s new cider, celebrates the wisdom of forests! Join the Dogwood Alliance crew to celebrate the release of Elderberry Wise at Urban Orchard’s downtown location on Tuesday, February […]

For The Love of Our Planet

Governor Cooper’s lip service to climate change and environmental justice has gone on long enough. Action speaks louder than words and his continued support of wood pellets, pipelines, and other environmental injustices says it all.