Gloster, Mississippi is a predominantly (80%) Black community. Biomass company Drax Amite is polluting this community’s air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. With […]
9 BIPOC-Owned Outdoor Gear Stores and Brands for Outdoor Adventurers
Polls show that BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) folks are less likely to engage in outdoor activities. Currently, they represent less than 15% of the outdoor community. There […]
What’s Up with the Biomass Industry and Forest Health?
Biomass, or bioenergy, creates energy by burning living materials like plants and trees. The wood pellet industry uses trees to make wood pellets. It then ships them to Europe and […]
Does Enviva Clearcut Forests? The Surprising Truth
As the wood pellet industry grows across the US South, we’re asked again and again: Do Enviva or other wood pellet facilities clearcut forests? While the detailed answer is complex, […]
The Coolest Creatures In Your Local Creek
Mayflies, stoneflies, water flies, have you ever heard those names before? If you like fishing, you probably have. Even if those names aren’t familiar, there’s a chance you’ve seen them […]