The Economy of Bioenergy Production

Woody biomass (bioenergy) is energy derived from trees. Bioenergy made from wood comes with steep environmental costs. Side effects of this industry include: air pollution during production air pollution during […]

What is Greenwashing?

This blog was co-authored with Nataly Perez Manrique.  Climate change is one of the most important and pressing issues facing humanity around the globe. No matter where you live, you’ll […]

a white fence splashed with green paint, a model of greenwashing

What is a Regenerative Economy?

In a regenerative economy, we operate in harmony with nature. Businesses create conditions that regenerate and heal the planet. This concept builds on ecological design, which tries to restore balance […]

Big Trouble In Dirty Biomass

It’s time to look back at 2022, where it took us, and where we’re heading. Something profound is happening. The biomass industry’s house of cards is collapsing. The wood pellet […]