Dogwood Alliance is horrified and saddened by the death of Manuel Teran. They were affectionately known as Tortuguita. Police shot and killed Tortuguita on January 18th in Atlanta’s Weelaunee Forest. […]
Adapting To Climate Change: What Will It Take?
Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues of our time. It has the potential to cause drastic ecological changes that could threaten the existence of many species, […]
Understanding Forest Symbiotes: How Forests Work Together
In ecology, a symbiote is an organism that lives in close association with another organism. Symbiosis literally means “living together.” Let’s explore the fascinating world of forest interactions. We’ll discuss […]
Why We Need to Keep Natural Forests
As cities and human activities continue to expand, natural forests are under threat. In 2016 one of The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals was to fully stop deforestation by 2020. […]
At Risk and Endangered Trees in the South and How You Can Help
Trees and people share some things in common. We both have necks, veins, and we both get sick. Just as people can get sick with illnesses like malaria, chicken pox, […]